
Contoh Bab 1 Paperwork

Monday, November 17, 2014

Contoh Bab 1 Paperwork


This chapter discusses the background of this paperwork, the statements of problems related to our case, and the purpose of studying this case.

1.1 Background
There are so many reasons for us to create this paper work. One of them is that we are keeping an eye on some of our friends – freshmen at College Literature University from several departments – and questioning them several simple questions. Almost all of them face difficulties adapting to college lifestyle.
When they are getting in at college life, they should be autonomous and ready to handle all of consequence that they meet when they are studying at college. Not only that, there are also pressure from their family, for example, their parents for get a good, or maybe excellent marks at college, no matter what.
Some of freshmen, not only in College Literature University, but also in other universities are entering a university or a department not because of themselves. Some of them are pressed by their parents or their families, some of them enter just because of they can not go to their university or department that they choose, for example because they do not match the requirements. Based from that, problems that they have to face can be more and more difficult to solve.
Again, some of the freshmen that still are not used to having in a college life will face a lot of problems in their journey to becoming a college student. When one by one problem comes, no matter if it is inside or outside the college life, it will cause stress to the freshmen. That thing is classical, happened on freshmen whose age is still under twenty (most of them).
The most important is how freshmen can overcome their college life problems that they didn’t want.

1.2 Statements of Problems
            There are four problems that are going to be answered in this paperwork. They are as follows.
1.      What are the factors that make freshmen become under pressure? 
2.      What are the characteristics that we can find when freshmen get stressed?
3.      What will freshman do when they stressed?
4.      What shall we do if freshmen get stressed?

1.3 Purpose of Study
            There are also four statements that are going to be discussed in this paperwork. They are as follows.
1.      To understand what are factors that affected freshmen into stress.
2.      To understand what characteristics that we can find when freshmen get into stress.
3.      To understand what will freshman do when they are getting into stress.
4.      To understand what shall we do if freshmen get into stress.