
Contoh Bab 3 Paperwork Bahasa Inggris

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Contoh Bab 3 Paperwork Bahasa Inggris


This chapter discusses about what are factors that affect freshmen become under pressure, what characteristics that we can find when freshmen get stressed, and what shall we do if freshmen get stressed.

3.1 Factors that Affect Freshmen become Under Pressure
Figure 3.1 Illustration of a Freshmen Experiencing Stress
There are so many people saying that teenager’s life is the most pleasant life phase in someone’s life period. That statement can be true or false, it is based on someone’s itself. When it comes to false, there are some factors that affect teens (especially freshmen) become under pressure. Based on our research (simple questionnaire) at College Literature University, the factors are as follows.
a)                  Achievement pressure
This thing is one of the biggest sources of freshmen’s problem. Because the Achievement Standard is too high and haunt them, whether it is set by their parents, their family, their relations, or their environment, freshmen can not set their standard to the freshmen with their own way. Their parents, relations, or their environment must set the demand based from freshmen’s majority, freshmen’s minority, and freshmen’s condition.
Usually, freshmen will be more stressed if the achievement pressure was set up as an adult’s business that is based on adult’s prestige. This maybe a bit like blacksmith who beat and burn irons to be formit according to what the buyer wants. If this thing is coupled with negative parental attitudes, such as nagging, threatening, or boycotting their pocket money, it is not impossible that freshmen will be depressed.
b)                  College duty
Other things that can cause freshmen experiencing a state of stress is when they are faced with so many tasks, quizzes (whether it is small or big quiz), in a continuous period for a long time.
For some freshmen, they think that it is an interesting challenge and they want to fight to get good marks at it. On the other hand, another freshman will take it as a very deep burden or very frightening specter.
Because of that frightened feels, they are keep studying all night long, sleep at midnight – or more extreme, not sleep – in order to understand and occupy college’s duty. This will affect a disastrous effects that not good for freshmen! They will be easy to experience stress.
c)                  Love affairs
Another problem is about love affairs. Based from psychology study, passion of love in teenagers (especially freshmen) has doubled. There are positive and negative things in this thing called love. Example of positive things: they could feel the sensation of love, love encouraging their growth; create independence feeling in their life, support, motivation, and fun.
However, there are also negative things, for example: love brings jealous feelings, revenge, possessive (the impulse to control their couple’s freedom), great depression, or maybe the extreme one – commit suicide because they lost a special person in their life. Also, it can affect their college life in many factors, more or less.

3.2 Characteristics that can Appear when Freshmen Get Stressed
When freshmen get stressed, they will show strange attitudes and characteristics, but it only appear when they get stressed. Based on our research (simple questionnaire) at College Literature University, the attitudes or characteristics are as follows.
a)                  Lack of enthusiasm or motivation
           When a freshmen experience stress, it can clearly be seen from the stance they do. Some freshmen will show it very clearly if they are not in good state because they lack of enthusiasm and/or motivation.
b)                  Experiencing extremely moody state
           Based from some case that happened on freshmen (especially at College Literature University), when they are not at in good state (or stress). Then, their emotional potency will be grown rapidly. That is fair. Many of them wreak it (extreme mood changes) with anger. This is often called bad mood.
           The other thing, they are also resentful, too sensitive, too reactive, or too silent, not like usual.
c)              Run away from their family, friends, and hobbies
          Many cases when freshmen get into stress, they suddenly become a closed and a withdrawn person. They do not want to interact with other people around them and did not even want to do things they like (like hobbies). Also, they absolutely did not want to interact with people with rights to control them (like parents). They do not want to be controlled when they are not in a good state.
           This kind of freshmen prefer to solve their problems by themselves than discuss it with other people.
d)             Change of Teenager’s Lifestyle
           Problems that come over again, again, and again, whether it is internally or externally from college life (campus affairs) can not be denied that it can be burden for freshmen. Some of the problems even interfere, or even, change their lifestyle.
          Because they keep thinking of their problems, most of freshmen will get things like insomnia (hard to sleep) or other things (or even diseases). They want to forget the problems, but they keep thinking of their problems.
           The other things (as mentioned above), the problems can also affect into their eating habit, which they can significantly increase or decrease their weight.
e)              Lack of Concentration and Getting Senile
  Because of the problems freshmen faced, some of them often lose concentration when they are performing an activity (or more than one activity). That thing is also reasonable, because, basically, when a person (in this case is freshmen) is confronted by a problem, they will keep thinking of it, and that thing is always inside their mind. So, they can concentrate for one hundred percent.
f)               Feelings of Worthlessness or Extreme Guilt
g)             Excessive sensitivity

3.3 What Freshmen do when They are Get Stressed
From simple questionnaires’ dissemination that given to College Literature University’s freshmen, below are something that College Literature University’s freshmen do when they are experiencing stress. These things are also mentioned at research of Elizabeth Scott M. S. at April 20, 2009.
a)                  Pray
Some of freshmen will pray and ask for help from God when they are facing problems. Praying is one of good solution and refreshes our heart.
b)                  Sleep
There are a lot of things that can be done when freshmen experience stress. But, most of them prefer to sleep. Sleep is an instant activity to forget the problems at hand, but maybe they will only forget their problems only when they are sleeping. What will happened if they wake up? They will remember the problems that they face. However, sleeping can make freshmen’s body relaxed, and recharged (for face their problems).
c)                  Do Something Fun
To forget the problems for a moment, some of freshmen prefer to do their hobbies, for example: play with their pets, drawing, drink coffee, playing cards, play with computer, listening to music, and so on. That thing, based from some freshmen, can change their bad mood that caused from problems they faced.

d)                  Pretend to be Alone
Some of other freshmen prefer to be alone when they are experiencing stress. According to them, they need some time to reflect on their problems, and find a way to solve it.
e)                  Crying and Yelling
These two activities are very expressive. Some of freshmen argue that crying and yelling can relief them and at least, decreasing their burden.

3.4  How to Fight Stress
From simple questionnaires’ dissemination that given to College Literature University’s freshmen, below are something that College Literature University’s freshmen suggestion about how to fight stress. These things are also mentioned at research of Elizabeth Scott M. S. at April 20, 2009.
a)                  Identify and recognize the sources of stress
Every problems faced by freshmen until they experience stress, must have roots that have solution. To solve the problems, the first thing to do is identify and recognize the cause of their problems.
b)                  Be more mature (via education and life experience)
Every person in this world will surely pass through all growth phases, namely infants, children, teens, and adults. When getting through those phases, every person absolutely faces many problems, whether they are little or big problems. When the problem happens, that’s very reasonable when someone get stressed. Nevertheless, when all of the problems are solved, it surely has a turning point from the problems, so that the person can take lessons and wisdom from the problems he/she solved.
c)                  Run a healthy life
For example: being grateful for what they had, being patient to achieve their desire, realizing the difference between wants and needs, and so on.
d)                  Say thanks to God Almighty for everything that has happened
e)                  Ask for guidance to close friends, people who are more mature, psychologists, and so on.

f)                    Avoid Negative Attitudes
For example: rebelling against the situation, apathy, angry, and so on. Those things will not solve the problems, but create new problems.
When teenagers (especially freshmen) experience stress, they are venting this frustration feeling to other person, which will blow up the situation and create new problems. Why? Because they will say something bad that can hurt someone’s feelings.