
Contoh Kata Pengantar dalam Bahasa Inggris

Monday, November 17, 2014

Contoh Kata Pengantar dalam Bahasa Inggris

            This paper work presents one of teenager’s lifestyle problems, they are problems faced by freshmen inside and outside college and how to solve it.
           This paper is primarily addressed to educators, who play a very important role in the growth and development of the youth, especially freshmen. Also, this paper work is dedicated to all of freshmen in this whole world, especially in Informatics Engineering at College Literature University.
           Grateful acknowledgment is made to those who helped us, God Almighty and from our lecturer, Miss Nila Silviana, to our friends who participated in the questionnaire we had given, and all freshmen in this world. You all inspire us!
           This work would not have reached its present form without their invaluable help.

Writer Team