
Tugas Istilah tentang Internet (domain name, internet portal, internet, rebooting, router)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tugas Istilah tentang Internet (domain name, internet portal, internet, rebooting, router)

Definitions based from dictionary.reference.com
domain name   — n   a unique name, corresponding to one or more numeric IP addresses, used to identify a particular web page or set of web pages on the internet
Our university has a domain name with ac.id extension and the name of our university before the extension.

(internet) portal – n a Web site that acts as a starting point for browsing the Web,  typically include search engines and large directories of websites.
Sometimes, you know a website address via internet portal like search engines.

Internet n ( sometimes with a capital ) the internet  Also known as: the Net  the single worldwide computer network that interconnects other computer networks, on which end-user services, such as World Wide Web sites or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be exchanged
Internet is something that you can’t avoid, especially in this global era.

Reboot(ing) - verb (used with object) : to restart (a computer) by loading the operating system; boot again.
verb (used without object) : (of a computer) to be restarted.
When your computer hangs, you need to get your computer into a rebooting phase.

Router – n A device in a network that handles message transfers between computers. A router receives information and forwards it based on what the router determines to be the most efficient route at the time of transfer.
Router is needed if you want your data transfer going well.