
Contoh Bab 4 Paperwork Bahasa Inggris

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Contoh Bab 4 Paperwork Bahasa Inggris


            This chapter will show you about conclusions of this case study and how to overcome this case with our suggestions.

4.1 Conclusions
            From all points we have written (with the theme of Teenager’s Lifestyle), the conclusions that can be drawn are as follows.
Factors that affect freshmen into stress are as follows.
a)      Achievement pressure
b)      College duty
c)      Love affairs

Characteristics that can appear when freshmen get into stress are as follows.
a)      Lack of enthusiasm or motivation
b)      Experiencing extremely moody state
c)      Run away from their family, friends, and hobbies
d)     Change of teenager’s lifestyle
e)      Lack of concentration and getting senile
f)       Feelings of worthlessness or extreme guilt
g)      Excessive sensitivity

Freshmen are doing those things when they are getting into stress.
a)      Pray
b)      Sleep
c)      Do Something Fun
d)     Pretend to be Alone
e)      Crying and Yelling

Stress and problems will gone if freshmen (or us) do those things.
a)      Identify and recognize the sources of stress
b)      Be more mature (via education and life experience)
c)      Run a healthy Life
d)     Say thanks to the God Almighty for everything that has happened
e)      Ask for guidance to close friends, people who are more mature, psychologists, and so on.
f)       Avoid negative attitudes

            We have learned various factors and things which cause freshmen’s stress. Actually, teenagers (especially freshmen) experience stress is very reasonable. They continue to learn, keep adapting themselves into a new environment (college life) such as friends, lecturers, subjects, and so on, and at the same time, they also face other problems outside the college affairs, such as love affairs. So, if freshmen are experiencing stress, we suggest these ways.
1.      Divert your attention into the positive things. Do anything as long as it is positive. Do not pretend to do something negative, because negative things will draw a new problem.
2.      Solve your problems, do not delay it.
3.      Pay attention for those around you, such as family and your close friends. Be sure that they are always ready to help you, so do not be afraid to share your problems with others.
4.      Look at all you have today. Stay grateful to the God, do not complain what God gives you, because He always give you the best, even if you do not want it at first.

5.      Ask for help to God. Trust Him!