Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare item_num, open_inventory, amt_purchased, amt_sold,
final_inventory, total_open_inventory, , total_ amt_purchased, total_amt_sold, and total_ final_inventory
Step 3: Open the Inventory file.
Step 4: Get the values for item number(item_num), Open inventory
amount(open_inventory), amount purchased(amt_purchased) and amount sold(amt_sold)
from the inventory file.
Step 5: Three variables open inventory amount(open_inventory),
amount purchased(amt_purchased), and amount sold(amt_sold) will produce Final
inventory amount(final_inventory) for that particular item(or Calculate Final
inventory amount by adding open inventory amount to amount purchased and
subtracting amount sold from the result).
Step 6: Display all item details of the inventory taken in step 4
and computed in step 5.
Step 7: Add the inventory data to the total.
Step 7a: Update
Total open inventory amount using open inventory amount(open_inventory)
Step 7b: Update
Total amount purchased using amount purchased(amt_purchased)
Step 7c: Update
Total amount soled using amount sold(amt_sold)
Step 7d: Update
Total final inventory amount using final inventory amount(final_inventory)
Step 8: Display all the total inventory data computed in step 7.
Step 9: Stop